
Organizational Leadership Theories & Practices

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  • Building Bridges To Connect Communities

    Building Bridges To Connect Communities

    Why do we build bridges? We build bridges to connect communities different than our own. Bridges connect people from difficult walks of life. When we build those bridges, we find beneath the surface of people who look different, similar wants and needs. How are you making connections with others?

  • Overcoming Cultural Barriers

    Overcoming Cultural Barriers

    A look at cultural diversity and the challenges we accept in embracing cultural differences.

  • Sean Hoodye Interview

    Sean Hoodye Interview

    Understanding art is a process that helps people of different cultures come together to learn how to appreciate one another. It is in a way, a starting point on display to a conversation of diverse views and opinions of how people who may share the same space, can live in the same communities but yet through their lens perceive a much different realities.

  • Inclusive Leadership

    Inclusive Leadership

    If we ever want to see and understand the people around us, we must first accept the challenge of seeing the world through a lens other than our own.