To Build A Stronger Leader, A Stronger Organization, Starting With You.
Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department Meritorious Service Award
Completion of Los Angeles County Sheriffs Deputy Academy
Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department Roger Barkley Youth Service Award
Completion of Los Angeles County Sheriffs Level III and Level II Academy
Completion of Los Angeles County Sheriffs Custody Assistant Academy
Completion of Los Angeles County Sheriffs Explorer Academy
Los Angeles County Sheriffs Explorer of the Year 2001
FEMA Instructor Training Certification PER-266 ITC Course, CDP, Anniston AL
Graduate Human Resource Certification, University of Massachusetts
FEMA Basic Instructor Certification - FEMA Emergency Management Institute
State of California DOJ – Commission on Peace Officers - Standards & Training (POST) Basic Certification
State of California DOJ – Commission on Peace Officers - Standards & Training (POST) Intermediate Certification
State of California DOJ – Commission on Peace Officers - Standards & Training (POST) Advanced Certification
Standards & Training (POST) Academy Instructor Certification - Course (POST #1820-21705-15003)
Standards & Training (POST) Academy Instructor Certification - Course Intermediate Level II (POST #1820-21705-15003)
Franklin Covey The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Signature Program Facilitator
#IamRemarkle Google initiative facilitator
WMD HAZMAT Evidence Collection Course PER-201 HEC (FBI 12 Step Program), CDP, Anniston AL
Technical Emergency Response Training for CBRNE PER-260 (WMD Hands-On Training Course), CDP, Anniston AL
WMD Hands-On Training Course PER-262, CDP, Anniston AL
WMD Crime Scene Management for Emergency Responders AWR-103 Course, CDP, Anniston AL
Radiological Emergency Response Operations PER-904, RERO Course, CDP, Anniston AL
Emergency Responder Hazardous Materials Technician for CBRNE Incidents PER-272 WMD Hands-On Training Course (COBRA entry), CDP, Anniston AL
Incident Command: Capabilities, Planning, and Response Actions (WMD/All Hazards) MGT-360 Course (COBRA entry), CDP, Anniston AL
WMD Law Enforcement Protective Measures PER-264, LEPM Course, CDP, Anniston AL
WMD Law Enforcement Response Actions PER-265, LERA Course, CDP, Anniston AL
Pandemic Planning and Preparedness (MGT-900, P3)
Incident Response to Terrorism Bombings, New Mexico Tech, Socorro New Mexico
Managing Civil Actions In Threat Incidents Command MCATI MGT-300 Course, CDP, Anniston AL
Managing Civil Actions In Threat Incidents Protester Devices PER-202, CDP, Anniston AL
ICS-100 Introduction to the Incident Command System (Law Enforcement specific), Emergency Management Institute
ICS-200 for Single Resources and Initial Action Incidents, Emergency Management Institute
ICS-300 Intermediate ICS for Expanding Incidents, CDP, Anniston AL
ICS-300 Second Completion (Refresher), EOB, Los Angeles County
ICS-400 Advanced ICS Command and General Staff-Complex Incidents, CDP, Anniston AL
ICS-400 Second Completion (Refresher), EOB, Los Angeles County
IS-00700 National Incident Management System (NIMS), Emergency Management Institute
IS-00800 National Response Plan (NRP), Emergency Management Institute
IS-00008.A Building for the Earthquakes of Tomorrow Course, Emergency Management Institute
IS-00015.A Special Events Contingency Planning for Public Safety Agencies, Emergency Management Institute
IS-00139 Exercise Design, Emergency Management Institute
IS-00208 State Disaster Management, Emergency Management Institute
IS-00230 Principles of Emergency Management
IS-00240 Leadership & Influence
IS-00241 Decision Making & Problem Solving
IS-00242 Effective Communication
IS-00235 Emergency Planning, Emergency Management Institute
IS-00244 Developing and Managing Volunteers
IS-00275 Role of the Emergency Operations Center in Community Preparedness, Response & Recovery, Emergency Management Institute
IS-00035.18 entitled FEMA Safety Orientation 2018
IS-00106.18 entitled Workplace Violence Awareness 2018
La Habra Host Lions Club - City of La Habra, California
City of La Habra Chamber of Commerce
Gracie Barra Fullerton Jiu Jitsu
US Marine Corps Devil Pups Program Member and Sponsor
City of Buena Park CA Police Chiefs Advisory Board Member 2019 - 2021 Term